Feb. 17, 2022
I had a conference call today and it was eye opening.
I finally said something out of my mouth that I don't think I have ever said.
meet new people make and create new friendships because through that you never know where your next blessing is going to come from. I spent so many years living in that comfort zone that I became afraid of the positive possibilities. so live, love, laugh!!!
I want to branch out into new endeavors in my season. one of those said endeavors is to start a podcast about black women and menopausal depression and mental health because it's a subject I know all too well. I am talker by nature I can meet new people and enjoy a good and deep conversation, so why not do what I love with my personal experiences and see whom I can help. I said all that to say this come out of your comfort zone branch out and enjoy life and all that it has to offer.