A storytime

We all have heard me more then once talk about my past twelve year so called relationship.

I came to a crossroad a few days ago with the back and forth with a man I thought wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Let's go back to January of 2022 after not hearing from this man since March of 2021.

I get a very blunt text and that he would call me once he could. like a fool I waited and waited for weeks no call or text. mind you this man has been coming up MIA since the beginning but because I couldn't see past what I wanted I let it slide.

he claimed we were going to get married but once he found out a friend was staying with me he threw the ring in the ocean, river or sea which at the time was giving so many red flags. 

Once again I coldn't see past what I wanted but this relashipship was nothing more then a twelve year booty call.

Things that normal couples do we never did.

Never went on a date or intorduced our families to one another all we did was have sex.

Therapy kept me sane when he went MiA but in the end this whole thing made me feel small and unwanted by someone who said they loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

Now for this person whom I still have not heard from for over a year, I feel bitterness and a little hate.

My point is this please noticed the signs of a person when they go ghost or MIA because that lady is your clue to move on.

Stop wasting time on men who don't give a damn about how they treat you or your feelings.

Twelve years of my time I can not get back.

I am stronger from this experience but I am also not trusting when it comes to my feelings.

I refuse to be used anymore by anyone and my heart is guarded for the safety of my feelings and my love.

I love myself enough to know my worth and my value to the person that God chooses for me because, in my life at this point, I am batting a thousand but I still have hope of true love.

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