(A poem)
We were the raise and the fall.
We as mmothers of the earth have done it all.
Creators by nature fighters by instinct.
Women have sowed the land and plowed the fields.
We borne our children and prepared our men meals.
Is what we were named before the masters stripped us from our valleys.
Our breed moved on despite the wrong done to us.
Queen young and old live to tell the story.
shed blood to birth a nation
cried tears to free her brothers and sisters from bondage.
Yet from time to time queen shows little fear for look what the world has become without her guidence.
Brothers killing brothers, fathers raping daughters.
Mothers dying from a disease with a small name.
Queen sits on her throne head hung low for sometimes she believes our people have no hope.
I say unto you your tribe shall conquer death and destruction.
Queen mother of earth, time, and space.
We'll thake off the shackles and live once more.
through your grace,
God bless my sister, my queen.