Mar. 6, 2022

What if?

This subject has been on my mind for a few days now.

What if the world was a bit better than the past two and a half years of a pandemic?

What if everyone no matter their color could get along and change the world for the best and greater good. What if you as a person can finally find true love of self than God blesses you with true love of someone else, no lies, tricks, or deceit just someone to love you through all your faults. What if my blogs can reach others who think the way I do but are afraid to express how you're feeling?

What if I could finally see my plays performed on stage after all the hard work and trying to fulfil my dreams for years. Well to be truly honest I am tired of asking the question what if.

And I will succeed in all those areas and through more hard work and trust and faith in God, I will make it in all I have yet to do. Never give up and stop asking what if and just get the work done!

I am trying to build a brand by pursuing a dream as a playwright, blogger, and podcaster.