May. 9, 2022

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is one of the hardest days of the year for me.

why may you ask? for a few reasons to be honest.

the first reason is because my grandma that raised me died the Saturday before.

and the other reason is because my mother is still alive and we have what I like to call a passing by relationship, I was born June 8, 1969, and two hours after giving birth to me she left me, and my grandparents came to my rescue. so, my relationship with her has been pretty much non-existent and she plays favorites among me and my middle sister, I am the oldest of four.

My biological grandma has also passed between my two grandmothers they were my rock

so, for me Mother's Day is not the same I mean the women I loved the most are gone.

I had the pleasure and joy of being loved by two beautiful souls in my life.

I look at all my friends who have had great relationships with their mothers and here I have a mother who doesn't really acknowledge me, which is one of the pains I had to let go of when I started therapy. I want those who were raised by someone else in your family cherish them, let them know you appreciate them and all that they do.

their advice has made me into the woman I am today and on days like Mother's Day I wish I could pick up the phone and hear them laugh. but I have wonderful memories of them and that is what keep me going and staying inspired to write my feelings down because they believed in me and my talent even when I didn't.

For all those who have a mother who loves them please give your mother her flowers while she can still smell them!