Aug. 28, 2022


Through my journey, this year have learned how to heal which has taken me a while to do.

I have used both family trauma and pain to not heal myself. I am the type of who for so long held a grudge against people for hurting me or causing me pain, yet I never took the time to admit to my part in my healing. I had to learn that I had to confess to myself my part in my own healing. it is hard to admit that no matter what has been done to you that you have to say to yourself what was my part in the way I was being treated or allowing myself to be treated? Healing is a process and believe me when I say it is a tough process.

Generation in my family has done things or had things done that we all needed to heal from but no one in my family has wanted to come together so we could heal from all the secrets and all the doubt and mistrust of other family members. so with all that I have been through in the last two years, I had to face the fact that in all my subbornness I had to come clean and confess to myself that I had to learn to heal. I have been through a lot in my life on this earth, and I am still standing the reason for that is because I am more than what I have been through and I also had to learn I am not a victim I have conquered every trial and tribulation and have been able to heal from all those things and people who have harmed me, left me or abused and hurt me. So my advice to anyone holding on to things out of spite or revenge, let it go and do the work to heal from all that has hurt you.

no good ever comes out of holding on to things you have no control over. I figured that out the hard way always feeling like I was banging my head against a wall and still was getting nowhere. healing is a process and you must put in the work to see the results.

to heal will also take time so be patient with yourself and no it is working for your greater good and self. heal what is broken inside you but never forget what you have been through.