Sep. 28, 2022

Blank Canvas

I wake up each day thinking this is my day to start over.

to become a blank canvas, do what is in my best interest and those around me. a blank canvas to color the world with those bright ideas that will make a difference. a blank canvas to see me in the rawest form to reflect on the past so I can paint on the blank canvas to create a woman of strength and wisdom who through my blank canvas I can inspire others through their journey of self-discovery.

My blank canvas can be the glue to repair what has been broken in my family for so long that I can't even begin to count the time that has been wasted. a blank canvas to find the true love of the very thing that I pray and manifest each day and that is to color the blank canvas with an audience for my dream Love Twisted the play that is going to change my life.

the second reason for this is because how many times in life do we all wish, hope or dream of starting over mentally becoming in our minds a blank canvas? this is something that if I had a magic wand I would have done years ago. I will leave you with this affirmation.

blank canvas to be who I was born and meant to be, a reflection of the old me turning into the blank canvas to paint the new and improved me. I wrote this for two reasons the first being that the title came to me days ago I just didn't know what I was going to say.

Embrace all parts of yourself, even those parts where you don't feel confident. there is immense power in acceptance and liberation.

You'll notice your weakness getting transformed into strengths.